SCS Weekly Rundown | May 28th, 2024

  US-Mexico Crossborder Continues To Ramp Up

    Eagle Pass, Texas, is emerging as yet another key hub in U.S.-Mexico trade.

    Marked as the fastest-growing U.S. border crossing, Eagle Pass, Texas saw a notable
    uptick in trade during early 2024, particularly in vehicle imports and exports. The port's
    strategic rail and road connections, along with enhancements by major rail companies,
    have established it as a pivotal trade hub between the two North American neighbors.

    Learn more about their emergence by clicking here.

  Hurricane Season Poses Risk To Supply Chains

    NOAA warns of a record-setting hurricane season potentially disrupting markets.

    With an extreme hurricane season on the horizon, shippers are now facing potential
    market disruptions and shifts in overall pricing power. Historically lower rates during
    calm periods may lead to a 'carrier revenge' as severe weather conditions could restore
    leverage to carriers and prompt them to enforce higher rates.

    Dive into the details on hurricane season here.

  Electric Truck Charging Lot Opens in SoCal

    New hub aims to support emission reduction goals and enhance EV infrastructure.

    Prologis, in collaboration with Maersk, has launched Southern California's largest electric
    charging depot for heavy-duty trucks near the ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach. The
    facility can charge up to 96 trucks simultaneously with its nine-megawatt capacity. This
    initiative aligns with California's diesel-engine phase-out targets and Maersk's goal of
    achieving net-zero emissions by 2040.

    Explore the details of this new EV hub here.


  Teamsters Union Steps In For Kroger Drivers

    The Teamsters' Union secured a landmark unionization at Kroger in Michigan.

     The Teamsters achieved a historic victory as drivers at Kroger's Romulus, Michigan,
    fulfillment center voted to join the Teamsters Local 337, marking the first successful
    unionization at a Kroger facility. The 'landslide' vote included 289 workers, representing
    a significant step in labor organization within Kroger as a whole.

    For all the latest updates on this story, click here.


Dax Steenbergen