SCS Chain of Excellence Award (2021)

About the award: Our culture is defined by associates who demonstrate SCS' core values in their daily behavior and positive performance, both personally and professionally. These associates stand shoulder-to-shoulder building links with each other, our clients, and the world around us. Each link strengthens the chain of excellence that differentiates  and strengthens our brand. 

Our 2021 Chain of Excellence Award Recipient is Kage Graham, Accounting Financial Analyst, HQ. Kage received three separate nominations and he is the seventh associate to receive this honor. Congratulations, Kage!

We honor Kage Graham as the next link in our Chain of Excellence, who has worked extremely hard this year balancing home and work life. He has had the extra duty of caring for his young son in declining health. At the same time, Kage assumed added responsibilities that accompanied his new role, while he continued to support domestic operations. When additional projects needed to be done, his reply was always positive, “I can do that for you” or “I will get it done.” And even on his hardest days, he was found working hard with his head held high. Kage unquestionably exemplifies our SCS values and lives them professionally and personally. We are grateful for his unwavering work ethic, exemplifying our values. 

Through this award we recognize and celebrate Kage’s dedication to our values and his unwavering work ethic.
Thanks, Kage, for all you do! 

Vanessa Frye